I’m Just Not Impressed

Am I supposed to be?

The Divided Fifty States.

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A lot of people have been talking about the “divide” in the U.S. lately.  On one side are the Glen Becks, the Rush Limbaughs, the Pat Buchanans. The teabaggers, the birthers, the folks who desperately need a Political Theory class so that they can learn the difference between socialism, communism, National Socialism, fascism and why it is hypocritical to protest against government spending and against inadequate government services at the same time. On the other side are the rest of us.

But that’s not the only divide. In discussions of feminism and rape culture and kyriarchy, it is abundantly clear that there is another deep chasm, between those who think she deserved it and those of us who don’t. Between those of us who think that women are objectified and those of us who think its their right to objectify us. Between those of us who think that the victims of rapists are the real victims and those who think the rapists are the real victims.

The discussion of the false rape allegations at Hofstra taking place at The Sexist today is a glaring example of this divide. And like so many such discussions, it makes me want to throw up a little because the differences in the way we view the world are so fucking obvious that I start to wonder if anything can make a difference and if we ever really can be “United”. Because despite what Buchanan thinks, we never really were.

Written by emandink

September 18, 2009 at 5:15 pm

2 Responses

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  1. “Between those of us who think that the victims of rapists are the real victims and those who think the rapists are the real victims.”

    This is hyperbole at best, a blatant lie at worst. No MRA thinks rapist should be dealt with lightly.

    Jay Black

    September 21, 2009 at 3:49 pm

  2. No MRA thinks rapist should be dealt with lightly.

    Unless, of course, he doesn’t think that the rapist committed rape.


    September 21, 2009 at 4:00 pm

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